12.7 x 108 mm
Armor Piercing Incendiary Incendiary Tracer

Small arms ammunition factory „BELOM“ operates within the business system of governmental company “Yugoimport SDPR” and was founded on 18th of December, 2015. by the company „BORBENI SLOŽENI SISTEMI“ with an aim of organizing its own production of weapon and ammunition to 12,7×108 mm caliber.

Quality control enters into all phases of the small arms ammunition production process. It starts with the customer’s specification and moves into production engineering, materials purchasing, methods planning, manufacturing, inspection, proof testing, packaging, shipping and back to the customer, whose needs must be satisfied with quality small arms ammunition.

Glavna briga svih zaposlenih u Fabrici streljačke municije “Belom” je besprekoran kvalitet proizvoda. Kontrola kvaliteta odvija se unutar firme koja poseduje visokokvalitetnu i preciznu mernu opremu. U svakom pogonu firme postoji tehnička Kontrola za prijem sirovina i kontrolu u toku procesa proizvodnje. U posebnom objektu je laboratorija za ispitivanje hemijskih i mehaničkih karakteristika materijala.