Who are we?
Small arms ammunition factory „BELOM“ operates within the business system of governmental company “Yugoimport SDPR” and was founded on 18th of December, 2015. by the company „BORBENI SLOŽENI SISTEMI“ with an aim of organizing its own production of weapon and ammunition to 12,7×108 mm caliber.
Due to its activities and affiliation to the business system of governmental company “Yugoimport-SDPR” company “BELOM” in very short time became recognizable on the global market, as evidenced by the fact that in 2018. company “BELOM” became a member of the Association of European manufacturers of sporting ammunition (AFEMS).

Strategy, goals, advancement

The key element in development strategy of the company is setting the right goals that are based on providing continuity and improvement of production, creating a healthy working environment for employees and separation from the competition with high quality products in order to meet the needs of customers, with performing of all obligations set by the law. As a socially responsible company “BELOM” pays special attention to protection of environment and developing good relations with the local community.
Mission and vision
The vision of small arms ammunition factory “BELOM” is to become one of the pillars of Serbian defense industry, advancing momentum of industrial development and general development of the economy of Republic of Serbia, and to become a recognizable brand on the global market with setting high standards of production.

Čime se bavimo?
Proizvodimo municiju za puške i pištolje koje koriste kako sportisti, tako i oružane i snage bezbednosti. Kako bismo obezbedili oprobane proizvode vrhunskog kvaliteta, koristimo opremu i tehnologije zasnovane na najmodernijim proizvodnim i, pre svega, bezbednostim kriterijumima. Naši novi pogoni su projektovani sa ciljem da zaposlenima pruže kako vrhunske uslove rada, tako i bezbedno okruženje. Do kraja 2019. novom proizvodnom linijom planiramo proširenje asortimana sa municijom za teške mitraljeze kalibra 12.7 x 108 mm. Pored navedenog, “Belom” obezbeđuje kompletan dijapazon usluga vezan za proizvodnju i kontrolu malokalibarne municije. “Belom” je osnovan od strane državne kompanije “Jugoimport SDPR” koja se može pohvaliti višedecenijskim iskustvom u trgovini naoružanjem i transferom tehnologije.